Plum Digital: Sandra Ragan, DBA Plum Grafik Visual Communication.
Choose an area from the palette, the links below or the Site Map.

Sadly, Sandra passed away in August 2024. This site is being maintained as a archive. If you wish to contact the family, either as a friend or a client of Sandra's, please see her memorial page.

solutions menu Family History Menu sitemap design menu general menu

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Information = Freedom
Like the Hindu Fable, "The Blind Men and the Elephant,"
because we are ALL the sum of many parts.

Basic details about the changes are here.

General Menu > General Information: Assistance, Library, Interests, Editorial

Design Menu > Design Business: Services, Information, Imaging, Restoration,
and Resume for Sandra Ragan. Training information.

Solutions Menu > User Information: Instruction, Resources, Computer Info
Web FAQS, Infomational Data sheets and Client materials.

Heritage Menu > Genealogy Resources: General, Regional, US States, Family Tree.
Features Family History and Surnames. Family Web Cards.

Site Map > Direct links to all major pages.

Other Hosted Sites:
Warren Littell Design, Architectural Portfolio. Updated 2018.
Includes a Portfolio brochure.

The new Kessler Piano Service site went live on in time for New Years 2018.
The final Kessler Piano proposal (Dreamweaver) will come down soon.

The images and data on this site are the property of sandra ragan/plum grafik, clients thereof, and others as noted. Please respect their hard work and creativity by following the "Golden Rule,"
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

For information on the creation of this site see About This Site.
For information about the recent renovation, go here.
The cameo belonged to my grandmother. The plum blossom is a watercolor drawing.
The type and butterfly is a photo construction from an 80's sweater pin and a single metal type block belonging to a friend. Two of the characters are total digital creations.
For us "geeks," the embossed pattern is an Apple Mac II motherboard.

Webmaster: webmaster @ Thanks.

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Officially opened 11/4/97